Development Of A Road Traffic Management Control System

February 2, 2019 by
The Result

A brought into circulation system of traffic management and road traffic control. Under supervision of Mellivora experts, software and analytical platform were successfully developed and implemented throughout several regions.

The Challenge

The IT vendor involved in the production of an automatic packaged systems of photographic evidence, turned to Mellivora experts to perform the development of a road traffic monitoring and traffic rules control system.

The Solution

The developed system consisted of immovable and portable IP cameras and data pre processing units and processing service (the hosting server of data processing). The Mellivora data architect supervised the team of fifteen, monitoring and developing departments involved in traffic control management.

Technology Stack

  • Image processing and recognition
  • Libs: OpenCV, OpenStreetMaps
  • Ansible
  • Programming and data languages langs: PHP, C++, Python